The Change Makers:
A Team with Bold Ideas

Roderick Brereton

Co-Executive Director

Farley Flex Nwaigbo

Co-Executive Director

Vince Rozario

Operations Coordinator

Marlene Henry-Smith

Admin/Facilitator & Client Relations Manager

Glenroy Williams

Workforce Development Lead

Kenneth Okoro-Davids

Job Developer- Inside-Out Workforce Development

Oluwanifemi Saba (Nifemi)

Researcher; Facilitator- Inside-Out O.T.

Jahfari Fraser

Youth Pre-Release and Re-Entry Case Manager- Roy McMurtry Youth Centre

Shantel Hyndman

Youth Pre-Release and Re-Entry Case Manager- Roy McMurtry Youth Centre

Preston Osborne

Youth Facilitator and Reintegration Worker

Terence Neblett

Pre-Release and Re-Entry Case Manager- Toronto East Detention Centre

Anthony Smith

Community Reintegration Case Manager

Nkosi Adams

Community Reintegration Case Manager

(AJ) Boyce

Pre-Release and Re-Entry Case Manager- Toronto South Detention Centre

Elaine Robinson

Pre-Release and Re-Entry Case Manager- Toronto South Detention Centre

David Channer

Pre-Release and Re-Entry Case Manager- Toronto South Detention Centre

Julian Campbell

Youth Community Reintegration Case Manager

Kahunda Murray

Youth Community Reintegration Worker

Charles ‘Drivah’ Sinclair

Safe 6iX

Andrew Bond

Ounce of Prevention Community Worker