Take Back Your World (Youth Violence and Human Trafficking Prevention Program)

Take back your world

Take Back Your World is funded by the Government of Ontario, which supports locally-responsive, targeted prevention, and resilience-based projects in FIVE (5) target communities. The proactive initiative uses prevention-focused strategies that addresses the factors that put youth (ages 12 to 29) and their communities at greater risk of being impacted by violence and victimization, which also includes human trafficking.

Take Back Your World is in the community on the grassroots level to support Black and Indigenous youth, gang-involved youth and youth at-risk of gun and gang violence, youth in conflict with the law, youth involved with, or transitioning out of, child welfare, homeless and vulnerable youth, NEET youth (Not in Education or Employment), LGBTQ2S+ youth, newcomer youth and other youth populations that are disproportionately impacted by violence, victimization and human trafficking.

Urban Rez Solutions Social Enterprise in conjunction with One by One Movement and Youth Association for Academics, and Athletics and Character Education, provide supports through a Prevention, intervention, and Reinvention framework. The collaborative model makes vital social services more accessible to youth. Take Back Your World provides employment-readiness, life skills and resiliency training, and one-on-one case management to youth across Toronto.